Saturday, January 7, 2012

Do most relatives fight all the time over funeral arrangements and splitting of their parent's ets.?

How can we minimize hate, bitterness, hurt feelings, and anger this weekend when we meet to split up some of the stuff. It is only a month since mom died and I cannot understand the big rush to do it all now and in one day..they are all stressing me out. Is this normal..the family is real dysfunctional and my brother nearly attacked me twice..once from stress of the day and saying the flower spray was too much (at the most $50 over the cheapest one)..he screamed, said I weas lying to hiom and truying to chat him, vowed revenge and broke gl in the house and overturned books...another time went craxy because I wanted to ask the lawyer what a legal paper was before signing it..he screamed, im,plied he would cheat my on the will which he can do as to how it was written and demanded my mom's house key back..we did make up but this is crazy..I am dreading Sunday and feel I will get cheated, hurt feelings, and not the things I would like...I feel like not gouing but he said I need to go

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